One of the many ways you can find one of your local fire hydrants is by looking out for blue street reflectors on the road, usually placed around six inches away from the middle of the street. Water - Location of surface water bodies.Also Check: Where to put car fire extinguisher.US 41 Overlay District - Zoning District.Street Names - Street labels for the map.Storm Surge Evacuation Zones - Anticipated evacuation areas in preparation for hurricanes.Datum varies, you must use contours to determine correct datum. Spot Elevations - Spot elevation information.Service Area Delineation - Urban Service Area boundary.Sections - Section, Township, Range grid.Sea Turtle Lighting Zones - Area along the barrier islands with beach lighting restrictions.Road Maintenance Entity - Streets color coded by maintenance responsibility.Road Classifications - Streets by Functional Road Classifications.Recreational Trails - sidewalk, Bike Routes and Kayak Trails.Prior Year's Just Values - Just Value data obtained from Property Appraiser.Polling Locations 2012 - Polling locations for the 2012 elections.Points of Interest - Libraries, Prisons/Jails, Airports, Boat Ramps, Fire/EMS Stations, Government Buildings, Refuge Sites, Sheriff Offices, Police Stations, Hospitals.Petitions - Specials exceptions, variances and Development Review Committee petition locations.Old FEMA Flood Zones - (Pre-) Historic FEMA Flood Zones.Murdock Village Boundary - County Property acquired for Murdock Village boundary.

Fire hydrant locator code#
FBC2010 Wind Speeds - Current Florida Building Code Wind Zone Information.Existing Land Use - Existing Land Use based on Property Appraiser Data.Enterprise Charlotte Airport Park - created to enhance and promote economic development and provide for quality and consistency in development while still maintaining flexibility in the area surrounding the airport.DOQQ Aerials - 1 meter pixel USGS digital ortho quarter quadrant color infrared aerial photographs.Datum varies by location and date of completion

Community Amenities - Day cares, Churches, Adult Living Facilities, Schools.Commission Districts - Commission District Boundaries.Coastal Construction Control Line - State of Florida Coastal Construction Control Line for Building Construction.City of Punta Gorda Boundary - Boundary provided to the county from the city.Charlotte Enterprise Zone - Area to provide business incentives in Charlotte County.Certificate of Elevation - Property with a Certificate of Elevation on file at the county.Block Number - used to label platted blocks.Benchmarks - Survey Benchmark locations.Addresses - Address information for each property.Active Excavations - Current excavation permits in Charlotte County.Accounts - Property Appraiser's Property Identification Number.Charlotte County data has the following projection: Layers with the blue text and eye icon provide additional information by clicking on them. Below is a list of layers available on our mapping site and brief descriptions.